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Leaflet's New Awesome Heatmap

There’s a brand spanking new heatmap for Leaflet maps and I couldn’t be more excited!

At work we were having many issues with a 2-year-old heatmap that hadn’t seen any support or forks in ages. But just before I was going to sit down and devote time to heatmap programming I stumbled upon Leaflet’s new Leaflet.Heat!

I was so dumbfounded how simple it was to configure. Here’s how easy it is to create a heatmap:

var heatmap = L.heatLayer(, {
  blur: 20, 
  maxZoom: 19, 
  gradient: {0.4: 'blue', 0.6: 'lime', 0.85: 'yellow', 0.97: 'yellow', 1: 'red'}

The above fits on one line easily, and in fact I can inititialize it with a simple L.heatLayer(data).addTo(map). It was just released at the end of January 2014, and I’m hoping the Leaflet’s primary developer will continue to work on it.

Leaflet.heat is based on SimpleHeat. Grab the files on Leaflet’s GitHub.
